

G. Plakiotakis from Igoumenitsa: We harness the potential of each port separately

Minister of Maritime and Insular Policy, Giannis Plakiotakis paid a visit to Igoumenitsa on Saturday 15/2, as part of his planned visits to the Port Organizations and Port Authorities …

Minister of Maritime and Insular Policy Mr Giannis Plakiotakis to visit Brussels

The Minister of Maritime and Islands Policy, Yiannis Plakiotakis, will be in Brussels next Thursday 20 February to have a series of contacts with European officials within the framework …

European Commission Plakiotakis Brussels Giannis Plakiotakis

Meeting of MMAIP Mr. Yiannis Plakiotakis with the Presidents of the nine Seafarers Associations

A meeting was held today at the Ministry of Maritime and Insular Policy between the Minister Mr. Giannis Plakiotakis and the Presidents of nine primary associations of the Panhellenic …

Panhellenic Maritime Federation PNO Giannis Plakiotakis

Ioannis Plakiotakis: We managed to have zero flows but we do not complacent (Video)

The effectiveness of the Hellenic Coast Guard's reinforcement measures to block the ever-increasing migratory flows in the Eastern Aegean islands was reported by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and …

migratory flows Turkey Ioannis Plakiotakis Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Greece

MMAIP Mr. Yiannis Plakiotakis informed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria on what is happening in the Aegean

Detailed information on the situation in the Aegean regarding the massive influx of foreigners departing from the Turkish coast, often accompanied by Turkish Coast Guard vessels, and the government's …

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria

G. Plakiototakis: Turkey aims to trigger an incident in the Aegean

On the occasion of the incident in Kos in which the Turkish vessel was making deliberately dangerous maneuvers within the Greek territorial waters and hit the Hellenic Coast Guard …

Turkey aims to trigger an incident in the Aegean

Announcement of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy related with repatriated Greek sailors from Djibouti

The repatriation of the last three Greek sailors, members of the crew of two Greek-owned ships held in Djibouti for seven months, has been completed due to financial problems …

Minister Plakiotakis: Greece saves lives that others put in danger in the Aegean

In recent days, the criminal activity of traffickers who are indifferent to human life has intensified, stacking dozens of distressed people without life jackets in boats that do not …

Plakiotakis Minister Plakiotakis traffickers Turkey

Minister G. Plakiotakis from Samos: Although traffickers circuits are left or even supported, Greece saves human lives

The Samos Coast Guard Authority was visited by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Mr. Giannis Plakiotakis, accompanied by the Member of Greek Parliament Mr. Christodoulos Stefanadis, …

Plakiotakis Samos Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy

Ministers Plakiotakis and Kikilias meeting for the sustainable development of the cruise

The special importance of the flow management mechanism, traffic planning, as well as control of arrivals and departures of cruise ships (berth allocation), was examined today during a meeting …

Kikilias Plakiotakis Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy

Statement by Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Mr. Giannis Plakiotakis from Samothrace on Greek-Turkish relations

In recent days, Turkey's statements and accusations are not only beyond of any meaning of international law, but they are beyond of any logic.

Let Turkey finally realize that …


The 5th patrol boat with special sanitary equipment was delivered to Samothrace - Projects of 8.5 million euros for the port of Kamariotissa announced Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Mr. Giannis Plakiotakis

A new patrol boat, properly configured with sanitary equipment, was delivered to the Port Department of Samothrace on Friday afternoon. This is the 8th in total, boat with special …

Hellenic Coast Guard Plakiotakis Patrol boat

8th Informal Tripartite Meeting of Greece – Cyprus – Malta on Maritime Affairs (Pireaus 3.11.2023)

The promotion of initiatives to further support European shipping in order to address the fierce international competition and the current geopolitical challenges, as well as the exploration of ways …

Stylianides Cyprus Malta Hatzimanoli Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Greece Farrugia

Remarks by the Minister of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Christos Stylianides at the Plenary session of the 33rd IMO Assembly


Your Excellency Secretary General,

Honourable Chair of the IMO Assembly,

Dear colleagues,

It’s a great honour and privilege to address the Thirty Third Session of the …

Stylianides Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy IMO Assembly Remarks